Although vegetables are not part of the wild degu’s diet, fruits can, on occasion, represent a food opportunity for this rodent. Remaining rare, the consumption of fruits is not a problem since the majority of its diet consists of foliage or seeds.
Fruits should be avoided for the degu to prevent the onset of diabetes or cataracts, which are linked to carbohydrate intake. Indeed, the degu is particularly sensitive to diabetic diseases due to its lower insulin hormonal activity compared to other mammals03 04. While very occasional consumption does not pose any risk for a healthy degu, regular consumption can be harmful to its health.
Since fruits do not provide any daily benefits to the degu if its diet is well-balanced, banning them helps avoid long-term health problems. That is why we recommend not giving fruits of any kind to your degus. Only certain dry nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) can be consumed occasionally.

Vegetables, except for leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, etc.), should also be avoided for the degu. Here, the carbohydrate issue (beet, parsnip, pumpkin, etc.) is less critical than with fruits but remains problematic for the degu. However, it is their high water content that can lead to bloating05, especially in degus with an unbalanced protein diet, sometimes leading to fatal outcomes. That is why we recommend not giving vegetables of any kind to your degus. Only leafy greens can be consumed occasionally (spinach, celery, etc.).
Even when dehydrated, vegetables do not offer any particular benefit for the degu. Leafy greens and other plants should be favored for this species.
Food to replace fruits and vegetables
To replace fruits and vegetables in the diet of the degu, you can provide fresh or dried leaves, stems, or roots from various plants. Many plants are considered weeds or grow abundantly in nature, making it easy to gather them to offer a healthy meal to your rodent.
Name | Scientific name | Remarks |
Abyssinian banana | Ensete ventricosum | |
Alchemilla of the Alps | Alchemilla alpina | |
Alfalfa / Cultivated alfalfa | Medicago sativa | |
Allegheny milfoil | Alliaria petiolata | |
Allegheny mountain avens | Lobularia maritima | |
Alpine fleabane | Erigeron alpinus | |
Alpine Speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia | |
Amaranth | Amaranthus | Quantity to be limited |
Annual fleabane | Erigeron annuus | Invasive plant |
Annual fleabane | Erigeron annuus | |
Annual Lunaria / Pope's Mint | Lunaria annua | To be given in small quantities |
Anthyllides vulnéraire | Anthyllis vulneraria | |
Aposeris | Aposeris foetida | |
Apple tree | Malus domestica | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. Do not give the seeds. |
Armenian Bramble | Rubus discolor | Beware of thorns fruits as treats |
Aronia | Aronia melanocarpa | |
Arroche des jardins | Atriplex hortensis | |
Artichoke | Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus, Cynara scolymus | |
Ash tree | Fraxinus | |
Aspen | Populus tremula | |
Aster modestus | Aster modestus | |
Aster ponceau | Symphyotrichum puniceum | |
Attic fleabane | Erigeron atticus | |
Balsil musk | Clinopodium Vulgare | |
Balsil wild | Ocimum basilicum sp. | |
Basil cinnamon | Ocimum basilicum | To be given in small quantities |
Basil purple | Ocimum basilicum 'Cinnamon' | |
Bastard clover | Trifolium hybridum | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Bean (all types) | Phaseolus sp | Avoid fruits, too rich |
Bean winged | Psophocarpus tetragonolobus | |
Beet | Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Leaves only |
Bell pepper | Capsicum annuum | Leaves to be preferred vegetables as treats |
Birdsfoot trefoil | Sorbus aucuparia | Inedible fruit plant and leaves ok. |
Biscutella | Biscutella laevigata | |
Bitter orange | Bidens cernua | To be given in small quantities |
Black alder | Alnus glutinosa | |
Black mulberry | Morus nigra | |
Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. Poisonous seeds |
Blueberry | Centaurea cyanus | |
Borage | Borago officinalis | |
Bramble remarkable | Rubus spectabilis | Fruits should not be given. |
Broccoli | Brassica oleracea var. italica | Leaves, vegetable to be avoided (treat) |
Bromus / Brome | Bromus sp. | |
Brussels sprouts | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | Seeds only as treats |
Buenos Air fleabane | Conyza bonariensis | |
Burnet | Sanguisorba minor | |
Cabbage | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Cabbage (all types) | Brassica sp | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Cabbage fresh | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Cabbage kale | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Cabbage romanesco | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Cabbage white | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | |
Campanula agglomerate | Campanula glomerata | Give in small doses |
Campanula false raiponce | Campanula rapunculoides | Give in small dose |
Campanula scheuchzeri | Campanula scheuchzeri | Give in small doses |
Campanula thyrsoides | Campanula thyrsoides | To be given in small quantities |
Campanula witasekiana | Campanula witasekiana | Give in small doses |
Campanula with Cochlear leaves | Campanula cochleariifolia | Give in small doses |
Canada fleabane | Erigeron canadensis | |
Canary seed | Phalaris canariensis | |
Caraway / Cumin | Carum carvi | |
Cardamine amara | Cardamine amara | |
Cardamine bulbifera | Cardamine bulbifera | |
Cardamine flexuosa | Cardamine flexuosa | |
Cardamine hirsute | Cardamine hirsuta | |
Cardamine meadowsweet | Cardamine pratensis | |
Cardamine oligosperma | Cardamine oligosperma | Give in small doses |
Cardamine pentaphyllos | Cardamine pentaphyllos | |
Cardamine trifolia | Cardamine trifolia | |
Cardamine with nine leaves | Cardamine enneaphyllos | Give in small dose |
Carmine endive | Cychorium intybus | |
Carob tree | Ceratonia siliqua | Fruits to be given as treats only. Edible leaves and wood. |
Carrots | Daucus carota subsp. sativus | Vegetables as treats only, leaves ok. |
Cauliflower orange | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Celery | Apium graveolens | |
Celery root | Apium graveolens var. rapaceum | Leaves (vegetable for treats) |
Celosia | Celosia | |
Centaurea nigra | centaurea nigra | |
Centaurea pseudophrygia | Centaurea pseudophrygia | |
Centaurea scabious | Centaurea scabiosa | |
Centaury of the mountains | Centaurea montana | |
Chard / Swiss chard | Beta vulgaris | |
Cherry plum | Prunus cerasifera | Fruits not to be eaten |
Cherry tree | Prunus avium | |
Cherry tree (all types) | Prunus sp. | Leaves and wood, fruits should not be given. |
Chervil (all types) | Cirsium arvense | |
Chervil glossy | Anthriscus nitida | Poisonous roots |
Chervil wild | Anthriscus sylvestris | May be confused with poisonous plants, be careful when identifying. Poisonous roots. |
Chestnut | Castanea sativa Mill. | Edible leaves and wood. Fruits to avoid. |
Chia | Salvia hispanica | Seeds only as treats |
Chickweed | Galium aparine | |
Chicory Castellfranco | ||
Chicory endive | Cichorium endivia | |
Chicory grumolo verde / Bitter Chicory | ||
Chicory of Catalonia | Cichorium intybus var. foliosum | |
Chinese cabbage (bok choi) | Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Chives | Allium schoenoprasum | In small quantities |
Chives (all types) | Alium sp | In small quantity |
Chlorophyton chevelu | Chlorophytum comosum | |
Chrysanthemum (leaves) | Chrysanthemum | |
Cilantro | Coriandrum sativum | Seeds in SAB degu Mix |
Clover of the meadows | Trifolium pratense | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Japanese quince | Chaenomeles japonica | To be given in small quantities |
Coltsfoot | Tussilago farfara | |
Comfrey | Symphytum | |
Common Alchemilla | Alchemilla vulgaris | |
Common anthracis | Anthriscus caucalis | Toxic roots |
Common barberry / St. Barbara's herb | Barbarea vulgaris | |
Common barley | Hordeum vulgare | Seeds only as treats |
Common bean | Phaseolus vulgaris L. | Fruits should not be given leaves edible. |
Common bluegrass | Poa trivialis | |
Common bluegrass | Poa pratensis | |
Common Bramble | Rubus fruticosus | Beware of thorns fruits as treats |
Common Broom | Geum urbanum | |
Common Brunelle | Prunella vulgaris | To be given in small quantities |
Common burdock | Arctium lappa | |
Common carnation | Dianthus caryophyllus | To be given in small quantities |
Common Ceratius | Cerastium fontanum | |
Common chervil | Anthriscus cerefolium | |
Common chickweed | Lathyrus sativus | |
Common daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | |
Common hazelnut tree | Corylus avellana | |
Common Hornbeam / Charmilla | Carpinus betulus | |
Common Lampshade | Lapsana communis | |
Common Millet | Panicum miliaceum | Seeds to be reserved as treats |
Common thistle | Cirsium vulgare | |
Common toadflax | Linaria vulgaris | To be given in small quantities |
Common vetch | Vicia sativa | |
Compagnon blanc | Silene latifolia | To be given in small quantities |
Coreopsis | Coreopsis sp. | |
Cranesbill | Erodium cicutarium | |
Creeping Bugle | Ajuga reptans | |
Creeping callisia | Callisia repens | |
Creeping Potentilla | Potentilla reptans | |
Cress | Lepidium sativum | |
Cucumber | Cucumis sativus | Vegetable in treats |
Cucumber (all types) | Silene dioica | To be given in small quantities |
Daisy | Bellis perennis | Toxic in high doses |
Dandelion | Taraxacum sp. | |
Daucus carrot | Daucus carota | |
Desmodium | Desmodium adscendens | |
Dianthus sternbergii | Dianthus sternbergii | |
Dill | Anethum graveolens | |
Dog rose | Rosa canina | Beware of thorns |
Domestic rose (all types) | Rosa sp | Beware of thorns |
Dove's foot cranesbill | Geranium columbinum | |
Dyer's ratongrass | Serratula tinctoria | |
Elongated globularia | Globularia bisnagarica | |
Endive | Cichorium intybus var. foliosum | |
Epilobium brachycarpum | Epilobium brachycarpum | Give in small quantities |
Erect huckleberry | Potentilla erecta | To be given in small quantities |
Erigeron peregrinus subsp. callianthemus | Erigeron peregrinus subsp. callianthemus | |
Eupatory agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria | |
Fennel common | Foeniculum vulgare | From the root to the seeds! Be careful not to confuse with the ferula which is toxic. |
Fennel purple | Foeniculum vulgare Purpureum | |
Fenugreek | Trigonella foenum-graecum | |
Field bindweed | Convolvulus arvensis | |
Field mint | Mentha arvensis | |
Field mustard | Sinapis arvensis | |
Field pansy | Viola arvensis | To be given in small quantities |
Field Rose | Rosa arvensis | Beware of thorns |
Field speedwell | Veronica arvensis | |
Fireweed | Epilobium angustifolium | Give in small quantities |
Flowering gooseberry | Ribes sanguineum | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. |
Frutescente Potentilla | Dasiphora fruticosa | |
Garden cress | Barbarea verna | |
Gaudin's fleabane | Erigeron schleicheri | |
Geranium livid | Geranium phaeum | |
Geranium versicolor | Geranium versicolor | |
Giant spinach | Spinocia sp. | |
Giant winter spinach | Spinocia oleracea | |
Globularia punctata | Globularia punctata | |
Gloved bellflower | Campanula trachelium | Give in small dose |
Golden clover | Trifolium aureum | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Golden crepid | Crepis aurea | |
Golden yellow turnip | Brassica rapa L | |
Goldenrod / Canada fleabane | Erigeron acer | |
Goldenrod / Canada thistle | Solidago canadensis | To be given in small quantities |
Gooseberry | Ribes rubrum | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. |
Grasses | Poaceae | Except Phalaris, Sorghum (Sorghum), Lolium arundinaceum (tall fescue), English ryegrass (Lolium perenne), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and Pennisetum clandestinum (known to be toxic to livestock and/or risk of health problems). |
Great nasturtium | Tropaeolum majus | |
Greater plantain | Plantago major | |
Green beans | Phaseolus vulgaris | |
Green cauliflower | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Green field speedwell | Veronica beccabunga | |
Green lettuce | Lactuca sativa sp. | |
Green-necked rutabaga | Brassica napus ssp. rapifera | |
Groundsel | Senecio sp. | |
Hairy galinsoge | Galinsoga quadriradiata | To be given in small quantities |
Hairy stem crepis | Crepis capillaris | |
Hawthorn monogyne | Crataegus monogyna | |
Heartleaf globular | Globularia cordifolia | To be given in small quantities |
Hedge bindweed | Calystegia sepium | |
Hedge vetch | Vicia sepium | |
Hibiscus | Hibiscus sp. | |
Hibiscus (all types) | Cenchrus alopecuroides | |
Hieracium porrifolium | Hieracium porrifolium | |
Hops | Humulus lupulus | |
Horseradish | Armoracia rusticana | |
Horticultural pansy | Viola àwittrockiana | To be given in small quantities |
Hypose | Hyssopus officinalis | |
Japanese Spirea | Spiraea japonica | |
Jerusalem artichoke | Helianthus tuberosus | Quantity to be limited |
Kale (curly) | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Kale Pe-Tsai | Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Knautia drymeia | Knautia drymeia | To be given in small quantities |
Knautie des champs | Knautia arvensis | To be given in small quantities |
Knautie des chênaies | Knautia arvernensis | |
Kohlrabi | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Kohlrabi purple | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Lady's julienne | Hesperis matronalis | To be given in small quantities |
Lamb's lettuce | Valerianella locusta | |
Lamier pourpre | Lamium purpureum | To be given in small quantities |
Large-leafed broom | Geum macrophyllum | Give in small quantities |
Lativa (all types) | Lactuca sativa sp. | |
Lavatera of a quarter | Lavatera trimestris | |
Leek | Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum | Quantity to be limited |
Lemon balm | Melissa officinalis | |
Lentil | Lens culinaris | Seeds only as treats |
Lettuce | Lactuca sativa var. longifolia | |
Lettuce (all types) | Lactuca sativa | |
Lettuce (all types) | Mycelis muralis | To be given in small quantities |
Lettuce asparagus | Lactuca sativa var. angustana | |
Lettuce Lollo rossa | Latuca sativa Lollo Rossa | |
Lettuce oak leaf | Lactuca sativa var. crispa | |
Lettuce red | Lactuca sativa var. | |
Lettuce Romaine | Lactuca sativa var. longifolia | |
Lettuce sucrine | Lactuca sativa var. | |
Lettuce watercress / Moroccan | Lactuca sativa var. | |
Lettuce/Chicory Frisée | Cichorium endivia var. crispum | |
Leucosphaera bainesii | Leucosphaera bainesii | |
Linden | Tilia sp. | |
Lovage | Levisticum officinale | |
Lupuline alfalfa | Medicago lupulina | |
Lysimachia commune | Lysimachia vulgaris | |
Magnolia starry | Magnolia stellata | To be given in small quantities |
Malus purpurea | Malus purpurea | |
Marigold | Calendula officinalis | |
Marjoram | Origanum majorana | |
Marshmallow | Althaea officinalis | |
Matricaria perforata or Scentless Matricaria | Tripleurospermum inodorum | To be given in small quantity |
Meadow cranesbill | Geranium pratense | |
Meadow cress | Cynosurus cristatus | |
Meadow fescue | Festuca pratensis | |
Meadow salsify | Tragopogon pratensis | |
Meadowfoam | Lathyrus pratensis | |
Meadowsweet | Filipendula ulmaria | |
Melilot officinal | Melilotus officinalis | To be given in small quantity. Can be confused easily. |
Mimosa of Chile | Vachellia caven | |
Mizuna | Brassica rapa subsp. nipposinica | |
Mountain clover | Trifolium montanum | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Mountain clover | Trifolium montanum | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Mufti / Wolf's mouth | Antirrhinum majus | |
Mulberry (all types) | Morus sp | Beware of prickles, fruit in treats |
Myosote of the marsh | Myosotis scorpioides | |
Myrobolan | Prunus cerasifera | |
Nasturtium microphyllum | Nasturtium microphyllum | To be given in small quantities |
Noccaea montana | Thlaspi montanum | |
Nootka Rose | Rosa nutkana | Beware of thorns |
Oak | Quercus | Toxic acorns the species pubescent oak, pedunculate sessile and sessile are toxic. |
Oats | Avena sativa | Seeds only as treats |
Olive tree | Olea europaea L. | Fruits to avoid. |
Orange hawkweed | Pilosella aurantiaca | To be given in small quantities |
Oregano | Origanum vulgare | To be given in small quantities |
Osteospermum / African daisy | Osteospermum sp. | All species are edible |
Panama wood | Quillaja saponaria | |
Parsley | Petroselinum crispum | To be given in small quantities |
Parsley flat | Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum | |
Parsley root | Petroselinum crispum subsp. tuberosum | Vegetable as a delicacy |
Parsnip | Pastinaca sativa | Root (vegetable) as a treat edible leaves. |
Pea | Pisum sativum | Quantity to be limited |
Pea culivated | Pisum sativum | Leaves and pods, peas only as treats. |
Peach | Prunus persica | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. |
Pear tree | Pyrus communis | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. Do not give the seeds. |
Peony | Paeonia sp. | |
Perennial flax | Linum perenne | |
Perennial Lunaria | Lunaria rediviva | |
Persian Speedwell | Veronica persica | |
Phacelia with tansy leaves | Phacelia tanacetifolia | Some species have irritating hairs (does not concern Phacelia tanacetifolia) |
Phlox moss | Phlox subulata | To be given in small quantities |
Phlox moss | Phlox subulata | |
Phlox paniculé | Phlox paniculata | To be given in small quantities |
Phlox paniculé | Phlox paniculata | |
Pilosella caespitosa / Gazelle grass | Hieracium caespitosum | |
Plantain lancéolé | Plantago lanceolata | |
Plantain media / White plantain | Plantago media | |
Plum tree | Prunus domestica | Fruits should not be given. Leaves and wood are edible. |
Poplar | Populus sp. | |
Potentilla | Potentilla crantzii | To be given in small quantities |
Potentilla anserina | Potentilla anserina | |
Poultry mint | Mentha pulegium | |
Prickly pea | Hypochaeris radicata | |
Prickly pear cactus | Aegopodium podagraria | |
Prickly pear cactus / Prickly pear cactus | Stachys officinalis | |
Proustia | Proustia sp. | |
Proustia cuneifolia | Proustia cuneifolia | |
Pulicaria dysentery | Pulicaria dysenterica | To be given in small quantities |
Purple cauliflower | Brassica sp. | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Purple Echinacea | Echinacea purpurea | Do not give too much |
Purple Jerusalem artichoke | Helianthus tuberosus. var. | To be given in small quantities. |
Purple loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | |
Purple preenanthe | Prenanthes purpurea | |
Purslane | Portulaca oleracea | |
Pyrenean Cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | |
Quackgrass | Poaceae sp | |
Quinoa | Chenopodium quinoa | Seeds only as treats |
Radish (tops) | Raphanus sativus | The tops can be given regularly the radishes themselves are treats. |
Rampion oracle | Phyteuma orbiculare | To be given in small quantities |
Raspberry | Rubus idaeus | Beware of thorns, fruit for treats |
Red alder | Alnus rubra | |
Red cabbage | Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra | To be given in small quantities the leaves must be green. Can be badly digested. |
Red clover | Trifolium dubium | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Red clover | Trifolium medium | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Red clover | Trifolium incarnatum | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Red clover | Trifolium rubens | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
Red lettuce | Lactuca sativa sp. | |
Red mustard | Brassica juncea | |
Ribwort speedwell | Veronica spicata | |
Ribwort speedwell | Veronica spicata | |
Ribwort speedwell | Veronica officinalis | |
Rice | Oryza sativa | Seeds only as treats |
Robert's Herb Cranesbill | Geranium robertianum | |
Rocket | Eruca sativa | |
Romaine lettuce | Lactuca sativa var. longifolia | |
Roman Chamomile | Chamaemelum nobile | |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | |
Rubus pedatus | Rubus pedatus | Beware of thorns fruits as treats |
Rubus ursinus | Rubus ursinus | Beware of thorns fruits as treats |
Rudbeckia hedgehog | Rudbeckia hirta | To be given in small quantities |
Rudbeckia luminaria | Rudbeckia fulgida | To be given in small quantities |
Runner bean | Phaseolus coccineus | Leaves and pods, fruits not to be given. |
Rutabaga | Brassica napus subsp. rapifera | Avoid the root (treats) prefer the leaves. |
Rutabaga | Brassica napus | Leaves to be preferred roots as treats |
Rye | Secale cereale L. | Seeds only as treats |
Safflower | Carthamus tinctorius | |
Sage officinal | Salvia officinalis | |
Sainfoin | Hedysarum sp. | |
Salad (all types) | ||
Salad hussar | Lactuca sativa var. | |
Savory | Satureja | |
Saxifrage of Auvergne | Saxifraga bryoides | To be given in small quantities |
Scabieuse colombaire | Scabiosa columbaria | To be given in small quantities |
Scarole | Cichorium endivia 'latifolium' | |
Scented Bramble | Rubus parviflorus | Beware of thorns fruits as treats |
Scented chamomile | Matricaria discoidea | To be given in small quantity |
Scented Lunaria | Lunaria rediviva | |
Scented mint | Mentha suaveolens | |
Scented violet | Viola odorata | To give in small quantity |
Scented woodruff | Galium odoratum | Give in small quantities |
Scorzonera of Spain | Scorzonera hispanica | |
Scorzonera purple | Scorzonera purpurea | |
Scorzonera rosea | Scorzonera rosea | |
Scots Mint | Mentha longifolia | |
Sesame | Sesamum indicum | Seeds only as treats |
Seven-leafed potentilla | Potentilla heptaphylla | To be given in small quantities |
Shepherd's purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | |
Small oak speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | |
Smooth elm | Ulmus laevis | |
Solenomelus | Solenomelus sp. | |
Sorrel | Rumex sp. | Quantity to be limited can cause kidney stones. |
Sow thistle | Sonchus arvensis | |
Sow thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | |
Sow-thistle | Sonchus sp. | Be careful some species have prickles. |
Spearmint | Mentha spicata | |
Spinach | Spinacia oleracea | |
Spiny Bugrass | Ononis spinosa | |
Spirea filipendula | Filipendula vulgaris | |
Spring chickweed | Lathyrus vernus | Some seeds of its species can be toxic |
Spring Omphalodes | Omphalodes verna | |
Squash (all types) / Pumpkin / Pumpkin / Pumpkin | Cucurbitaceae | Vegetable treats edible leaves. Beware of poisonous coloquintes! |
Stellaire aquatique | Myosoton aquaticum | |
Stellaire des Bois | Stellaria nemorum | |
Stellaire graminée | Stellaria graminea | |
Stellaire holostée | Stellaria holostea | |
Stellaire intermediate | Stellaria media | |
Stork's beak | Erodium moschatum | |
Strawberry | Fragaria ananassa | Fruits should not be given. |
Strawberry bush | Fragaria vesca | Fruits should not be given. |
Sugarloaf chicory | ||
Sunflower | Helianthus annuus | To be given in small quantities |
Swollen silytherm | Silene vulgaris | To be given in small quantities |
Symphyotrichum puniceum | Symphyotrichum puniceum | To be given in small quantities |
Taraxacum officinale | Taraxacum officinale | |
Tarragon | Artemisia dracunculus | Do not confuse with Mexican tarragon! |
Tetragonia | Tetragonia sp. | |
Thick-leafed oracle | Sedum dasyphyllum | |
Thistle | Carduus sp. | Be careful with the prickles which can hurt the cheeks. |
Thistle (all types) | Asteraceae sp | Beware of prickles! |
Thistle (all types) | Silybum marianum | Beware of prickles |
Thlaspi praecox | ||
Thyme (all types) | Thymus sp. | |
Timothy | Phleum pratense | |
Toadflax | Linaria purpurea | To be given in small quantities |
Toadflax | Lotus corniculatus | To be given in small quantities |
Tomato (all types) | Solanum sp | Fruit as treats leaves edible. |
Tradescantia fluminensis | Tradescantia fluminensis | |
Turnip | Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa | Edible leaves |
Verbena | Verbena officinalis | |
Verbena lemon | Aloysia citrodora | |
Vergerette de Karvinski | Erigeron karvinskianus | |
Vergerette de Paoli | Erigeron paolii | |
Vergerette of Philadelphia | Erigeron philadelphicus | |
Vesce of the woods | Vicia sylvatica | |
Vesicles common | Vicia cracca | |
Vetch of Cerdanya | Vicia villosa | |
Vine (all types) | Vitis sp. | |
Viola sororia | Viola sororia | To be given in small quantities |
Wall cress | Cymbalaria muralis | |
Wall hawkweed | Hieracium murorum | |
Wallflower | Diplotaxis muralis | |
Wandering Jew | Tradescantia zebrina | |
Warty bollock | Betula pendula | |
Water mint | Mentha aquatica | |
Watercress (all types) | Lepidium sativum | |
Watercress (all types) | Nasturtium officinale | |
Weeping willow | Salix babylonica | |
Western chickweed | Lathyrus laevigatus occidentalis | To be given in small quantities |
Wheat | Triticum sp. | Seeds only as treats |
White clover | Trifolium repens | Beware the white mushrooms that cover the clover are toxic. |
White huckleberry | Potentilla alba | |
White Jerusalem artichoke | Helianthus tuberosus. var. | To be given in small quantities. |
White manure / White nettle | Lamium album | To be given in small quantities |
Wild chamomile | Matricaria chamomilla | |
Wild chicory | Cichorium intybus | |
Wild Pansy or Tricolor Pansy | Viola tricolor | To be given in small quantities |
Wild rocket | Diplotaxis tenuifolia | |
Wild thyme | Thymus serpyllum | |
Willow (all types) | Salix sp. | |
Willow (all types) | Salix alba | To be given in small quantities |
Willow-leaved Bugloss - Yellow ox-eye | Buphthalmum salicifolium | |
Wood Cranesbill | Geranium sylvaticum | |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | |
Yellow lettuce / Yellow nettle | Lamium galeobdolon | To be given in small quantity |
Yellow medlar | Mespilus germanica | |
Yellow milk quail | Galium verum | Give in small quantities |
Yellow nutsedge | Cyperus esculentus | |
Yellow reseda | Reseda lutea | |
Zinnia | Zinnia sp. | |
Zucchini (all types) | Cucurbita pepo | Vegetable treats edible leaves. |